Reunion Information

The Yankton High School Class of 1972 is planning their 40 year class reunion for the weekend of July 13-14, 2012. Reunion plans include a Friday night picnic at Memorial Park/Wood Shelter at 5:00 pm. The Saturday evening event is at Hillcrest Country Club with a casual social (5:30 - 6:30 pm), meal (6:30 pm) and "Music of the '70's". A tour of the old YHS (current Middle School) and new YHS/Summit Center is also planned for Saturday morning.

Some additional activities to do on your own in Yankton include: Yankton Bike Trail, kayaking at the lake (rentals available), walk the Meridian Bridge, golf, etc.

We are still looking for mailing or email addresses for these classmates: Chuck Bennick, Shelley Bowyer Carlson, Bonnie Clausen, Rick DeMaro, Loren Ferguson, Dan Gehring, Mike Haley, Karen Hansen Kokemoor, Dave Lyso, Connie Meyers Cuka, Diane Strehlow Launsby, Mary Tidd, Pete Wiggins. Please forward it to:

Thanks for your help with our 40 year class reunion! Looking forward to seeing everyone on July 13-14, 2012! Please take time to post some news about yourself as this blog is taking the place of a printed Reunion Memory book.

40 Year Reunion Committee: Andrea (Vollmer) Plautz, Angie (Westegaard) & Roger Hejl, Don Fiedler, Gary Welter, Hal Somer, Jan (Schooley) Loecker, Jerry Hisek, John List, Kevin Henseler, Peg (Crawford) Mann, Randy Smith, Steve Hermanson, Susan (Branaugh) Repp and Tom Garvey

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Friday Night, July 13, 2012

Angie Westegard Hejl, Sue Branaugh Rep, Nancy Hermanson
Peggy Crawford Mann, Jan Schooley Loecker
Deb & Gary Welter, Terry Hoopes Daggett
Pam Swanstrom Cameron, Marilyn Smith Lowe
Marlan McFarland, Joe Nadenicek, Kyle Repp, Don Fiedler
Randy List, Gary Welter, Kathleen List
Mary Obr Cummins, Luette Obr, Joleen Smith, Seve Obr
Nancy Anderson, Randy Smith, Dan Anderson
Jody Heindel, Cathy Heindel Bonino
Terry Hoopes Daggett, Jody Heindel

Steve Hermanson, Hal Somer (back to us), Jay Anderson, Marilyn Smith Lowe
Andrea Vollmer Plautz, Ann Colwell Olson
Jerry Hisek, Bruce & Teresa Pieper

Penny Moore Hofer, Dawn Helgerson Zavadil
Andrea, Steve, Nancy

Angie Kollars Sheppard, Cathy Heindel Bonino, Kaylene Christensen Henry
Jerry Hisek, Dan Anderson
Deb Sparks, Susan Walburg Kudera, Jody Walburg Nedved
Randy Smith
Chris King, Walt Griffith, Joe Davitt
Chris King, Marlan McFarland
Chris King, Randy & Kathleen List, Jay Anderson, Marlan McFarland
Karen & Walt Griffith, Roger Hejl, Mark Keehr
Lance Holdorf (foreground)
Peggy Crawford Mann, John Petrik
Joe Nadenicek, Gary Welter, Steve Shutt
The Anderson Boys -- Jay & Dan
Gary Welter, Andrea Vollmer Plautz
Cathy Heindel Bonino, Jay Anderson, Jerry Hisek, Andrea Vollmer Plautz

Jay Anderson, Gary & Deb Welter, Verlin Schaefer
Joe Nadenicek, John Petrik, Steve Shutt, Verlin Schaefer
Steve Obr, Jay Anderson
Mary Obr Cummins, Don Fiedler
Dawn Helgerson Zavadil Ann Colwell Olson
Kaylene Christensen Henry, Cathy Heindel Bonino

Randy List, Laurie Talsma Evans
Dawn Anderson, Chris King, Terry Jensen, Gerry Oligmueller
Peggy Crawford Mann, Pam Swanstrom Cameron, Bill Cameron
Laurie Talsma Evans, Jay Anderson, Marlan McFarland
Rod Loecker, Mike Henderson, Angie Kollars Sheppard

Hal Somer, Terry Bonertz
Peg Crawford Mann
Jerry Hisek, Terry Jensen, Steve Shutt
Deb Sparks, John Conkling

Deb Sparks, Hal Somer, Marlan McFarland
Jay Anderson, Chris King, Frank Kehrwald, Randy List, Angie Kollars Sheppard
Gary Welter, Joan Rolfs Olenich

Peg Crawford Mann, Ruth Hoenthaner Schmidt
Peg Crawford Mann, Pam Mjoen, Jan Schooley Loecker
Jan Schooley Loecker, Angie Kollars Sheppard
Jan Schooley Loecker, Angie Kollars Sheppard, Pam Mjoen

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